Just a quick post here to let anyone who might be still remotely interested in this blog that I'm still alive, just taking a blogging haitus for a while. Seems the early arrival of Clark followed by a particularly nasty flareup of my RA has sidelined the blogging for now. We'll see how things are in a few weeks/months. In the meantime, think SPRING!!!!!
I do miss you very much but nice you know your limits. Love too see picture of yours and hear about their antics but moms and daycare providers can only be do so much. Wow, I didn't know parenting took so much out of a person until I am doing it myself but oh it is wonderful too.
Take Care and Love, Janna
Hey Nikki,
I couldn't find an email address for you so I decided to answer your question in your comment section. (by the way. . . your children are adorable!!) Oh yeah, back to the question. The sweet young mom that made the card holder for me called it a photo wallet. Maybe you'll be able to find a pattern for one. It really does make a great gift. Good luck!
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