Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Artists

Fun things to do when it's cold outside? Coloring on the kitchen floor in pajamas ranks high on our list!

Over a year ago, my dad gave us some old computer paper that he found laying around in his office. You know, the really old kind that's all one big sheet, with perforations and holes along the edge. It's been sitting in the basement since, mostly covered with a pile of newspapers I've been saving. Kaylee's gotten into drawing lately, and she loves practicing writing her name, so I dug it out this morning. We spread sheet after sheet on the kitchen floor, broke out the colored pencils, and let the kids go crazy. They had a great time. And I only had one scribble to erase off the linoleum.

Miles had a little trouble keeping the paper flat at times, but everyone stayed happy and occupied while I made breakfast. Thanks Dad!

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