Friday, December 12, 2008


So, another tag. This one courtesy of my knitting partner! :-)

What Are Your Favorites?

1. Favorite book? "The Secret Garden"
2. Food? Something Italian
3. Item of clothing? Comfy, cute pajamas
4. Hairstyle? Up off my neck
5. Beverage? Milk
6. Facial tissue? Uh...Kleenex, I guess
7. Place to sit? My old pink recliner with a good book.
8. Person? Do I have to pick one? Rich, Kaylee, & Miles :-)
9. Animal? Cats
10. House? Big farmhouse with wraparound covered porch, enormous kitchen, and tons of closet space!
11. Smell? Baby after a bath
12. Activity? Cooking and gardening
13. Color? Blue or purple
14. Day of the week? Saturday
15. Time of day? Sunrise
16. Hot thing? A fireplace
17. Cold thing? Kaylee's nose after she comes in from playing in the snow
18. Game? Rook
19. Hobby? Gardening, definitely
20. Season? Fall

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Just wanted to say hi! Neat that I found you on here... How's life treating you folks?