Sunday, January 11, 2009

Introducing... baby Evan

A great big welcome to our sweet new nephew, Evan Thomas. He was born yesterday Jan 10 at 11:43 AM and weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz and 20.5 inches long. Here he is, wearing the hat I knitted for him. Check out those adorable chubby cheeks!

Everyone was anxious to meet him. We all showed up at the hospital as soon as we could and passed him around and around. Luckily he (and his tired mother!) tolerated us pretty well. Kaylee in particular thought he was neat. She's interested in babies these days, and this one holds a special interest because we'll be babysitting him after a couple months. Even Auntie C. was on hand for the big event.

As for me, I admit to a pretty strong surge of baby fever with an armful of sweet soft adorable newborn. Good thing I have babysitting to look forward to.

Proud Grandmas.

Ian was pretty impressed with the new arrival as well, especially when he got to share Grandma's lap.

1 comment:

Lani said...

Oh my... he's handsome. Send my congrats to your sister! I can almost smell him from here. What a cute little hat from Auntie.