Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Far

Update on my Resolutions: I'm going to try to do this every week if possible.

Prayer/Reading Time: The plan is working well so far. And paying off too!

Kids: Bible story time is a hit. Even Miles listens. And Kaylee begs for "just one more, pleeeeease? "

-Meatless Monday was a bit of a flop. Rich didn't care for the chili, and the kids wouldn't even try it. They ended up with cheese sandwiches. Maybe next week.
-After working on the weekly menu and the bank balance, it turns out this week is going to be no grocery shopping week. So far so good, with only a few minor changes. Rich did buy some dog food, but does that count? ;-)

Plants: On hold until later. I"ve got my list made, and I'm saving newspapers (for pots) and milk jugs (for setting out protection). I need to get some bulbs for my grow light sometime here too.

Craft Craze: I've only got 3 things on the needles right now:
1. Rich's hat (second try: the first one was way to big around. I sent it to Grandpa to try on!)
2. Miles' mittens.
3. Sis's scarf: on hold until my backordered yarn comes.

I want to start a hat and sweater for Kaylee and wool pants for Miles, but I'm waiting until my new needles get here (and I finish something else!).

So far so good!

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