I've finally been bitten by the blogging bug. I've been following other blogs for several months but today I decided to take the plunge and start one for myself. I can't guarantee that I"ll be very faithful at keeping it, as things tend to get busy around here!
I have two main goals in starting this blog. First, I hope it can be a way to connect with family and friends all around the country in a way that phone calls and emails don't. Secondly, I want to use this blog to chronicle all the little things that my kids do and learn, so that they aren't forgotten in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Sort of like an extended baby book - which, by the way, I am TERRIBLE at keeping up, maybe I'll be better at it in this forum!
You have a blog!!! You didn't tell me. ;) Fun to "catch up" with you and your family. I'm 'cited!
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