Monday, November 10, 2008


There's no question about it. My kids are bookworms.

Kaylee likes nothing better than to settle down with a pile of books and look at them for hours.

She's recently discovered comic books. Rich has some old Garfield and Heathcliff comic books from when he was a kid, and she'll look through them for hours, making up her own stories to go with the pictures. I also found some "tape books" on ebay, so she can listen to the cassette tape and follow along with the story.

Miles is constantly bringing books to be read. If you're sitting down, you should be reading to him, in his estimation. He'll come running, carrying "The Jolly Barnyard". "Baa-n", he'll say, looking up at you pleadingly. Or "donna", which of course means "Old MacDonald", but also includes any picture book relating to farm animals except "baa-n". But when you're reading it, don't even try to paraphrase or skip a page about Farmer Brown. He'll call you on it. Every time.

Sometimes if everyone is busy, he'll sit down and study the pictures himself. He even likes to look at books that are way beyond his level. I guess it's the monkey pictures!

Occasionally Kaylee will "read" to Miles or Ian. She's especially good at reading the nursery rhymes books, because she knows most of them from memory. The boys love it. Before I know it she'll be reading to them for real.

I love that my kids are into books. One little caveat, however. My living room near the bookshelf always looks like this. Is there some reason why ALL the books have to be on the floor in order to read just one or two?

Now if you'll excuse me, there's this book I"d like to finish tonight since the kids are in bed. Hmmm, wonder where they got it from? :-)

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