Saturday, November 8, 2008

I wish I were in Dixie

My thoughts are in Mississippi today, with my parents and extended family at my great-uncle Chester's funeral. He hasn't been well for some time. I would have liked to have gone, but 15 hours in a car one way with 2 little kids or plane tickets at over $500 each just wasn't practical. Of all my Grandpa C.'s family, Chester and Dorothy, or Uncle Chet and Grandma Dorce, as we called them, were the ones we knew best. They lived here in the Midwest for most of their lives, but moved to MS in their later years to be near their daughter. We all appreciate their faithful lives and influence. We'll miss you Uncle Chet.


Lani said...

Sorry, Nikki. It's even harder when you know your family is all there and you're not. I'm glad you have such good memories to remember him by, though.

Mulberry Mama said...

Thanks, Lani. None of my siblings were able to go either, but all of my cousins and extended family were there - they all live much closer. I'm sorry I missed it, but thankful too for the great comfort that there is in knowing that he had a close relationship with God.